
Okay okay last last!

it's getting funnier so i gotta post this one. this is the Part II of Girls and Their Attitudes. Shall we begin?i made my decision to comment her Madly Aggressive Status of The Month. so what i wrote was,
" HAHA kelakar gila ayat kau. "
and that was that. did i ever mention,
" ape masalah kau nk kutuk2 aku ha nigga? kau dgn budak-sekolah-ish attitude kau dah boleh berambus! "
the fact is, i was going to say that but first thing first ; I wanna know who was she yabbling about. so that's why i only posted the haha kelakar gila ayat kau. and oh wow, SHOCKINGLY weyh, shockingly this is what i got. hmm :) i don't really get it. if it wasn't me, why is she so, emm, so, oh you know, so, Menggelabah? yeahh thats the word. Okay2. if i was her, well technically i don't wanna be, i would say this :
" haha kelakar kan? aku buat nh khas utk minah tuh and boyfriend die. sumpah takleyh blah doh. tak kenang budi lah katakan kannn. ishh ishh.. "
but isn't obvious that she's pointing all this to me? and referring to her sister's comment above that stated ;
" weyh pmpuan klu klakar pn ade kaco idop ko ker??? "
let me get this straight. kalau die tak kacau hidup aku, kenapa die point nh semua kt aku eh? kalau die tak kacau hidup aku, kenapa die marah sgt dgn aku? kenapa die ckp aku terasa sedangkan aku takde ckp pon aku terasa? ade tak ayat aku kt mane2 ckp " Hoii bapak kuangaja kau nk ktuk aku kt status kau!" rasenye takde kan?

so before you start pointing your dirty fingers at me, look at your sistah! adik kau tuh perangai kasi licin lah! mmg aku nh setan, i gotta admit. yes i make sins, i don't wear a halo on my head, i'm no angel but at least i keep my satanic attitudes to myself and to those who are close to me because they know me better. aku tahu si MAISURAH MAZHAN nh berbadan besar aku nh badan kecik. tapi bila kau selalu pukul2 belakang aku, main kepala aku, kau igt adik kau yang kau sanjung yang kau backup nh mulia sgt? meh sini ceq habaq kat hang. seumur hidup aku, hanya bapak aku dgn abg aku jea yang berani pukul aku. kawan2? WHAT THE EFF! itu dah over the limit plus, aku baru jea kenal kau. bukannye aku dah kenal kau bertahun2 lepastuh aku kasi kau pukul2 aku free2 jea.

Please keep this in mind. You've started your own war with me. You should be glad i'm not using harsh words on you, yet.
So here's my advice :

" Get A Life, Mofo! Ha-ha :) "


  1. she's gonna get back what she have been said . FAKOF hippo . x)
