Basically we're just-in love
so we spent 2days at my place. and guess what, he came without telling me earlier. ==' he came by surprise. super nice sayang :') i took him to my favourite place to date, took him to mcdonald's for an apple pie and ice cream. it's hard, really, not getting to see you today because we use to see each other every single day, kan? i miss you SO GILA BABI OKAY? i just wanna baring2 beside you, that's enough. i don't need formal dates, candlelight dinner blah blah blah and stuff. its enough if its just you, me and some songs. and maybe something to eat. okay okay ==' all i wanna think now is to finish this damn final exam. then we got two months, hehe, you know what i'm thinking right? ;) yeahh. i miss you sayang. i miss you a lot. did i mention i miss you a lot? okay, i miss you like only God knows how much. 
Setinggi-tinggi langit, sedalam-dalam laut aku rindukan kau nh. wuhh! haha, i'm happy with you sayang. well duhh, obviously! i want you to always know, " Don't ever EVER EVAHH let me go! ". Kalau you nk let me go, imagine this. ingat tak kite lpk dkt ' starbucks ' then you pegang tangan i and i buat2 nak jatuh kebawah? remember what i told you? bayangkan kalau i jatuh, lepastuh kepala i terkena bucu longkang tuh lepastuh kepala i berdarah. like that. if you ever let me go, only God knows what will happen to me, either it's good or bad. senang cerita ingat mcm tuh jelah. kalau i jatuh kemungkinan kepala i berdarah, lepastuh hilang ingatan, tak pon mati kea. *nauzubillah. so faham kan? good. I love you ridzuan azmi. i might have said this to some previous guys, but again, i want this time, it would really paid off, with you okay? You will always stay rightttttt here in my heart. I'd save a little space for you baby :')
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