haha okay. I know this might sound weird but yeah. I was sitting on my laptop and I'm having thoughts about how my baby would look like. But of course, what makes a great baby must be a good husband, right? hehe. I think I wanna stick to being choosy at this matter. Like, my husband's personality. Of course I wanted a musician. Maybe a guitarist, not just an amateur guitarist but a really ass kickin' guitarist. Or maybe a pianist. Or both and is really good at singing. Somehow, my husband doesn't need to be so friggin rich. I was hoping for a modest, humble, smart, lovable kinda husband. The one that always remember that his family must come first. Knows how to protect his family. And hell jyeah, we'll teach our children to play music as well. And I like Asian guys. Ones with very small eyes, fair and just, straight hair, tall and of course, muscles. *melting. haha! I'm gonna find one. If I'm not gonna find one, then I'll stay single for the rest of my life. okay, kidding. With this kinda husband I've described, the results would turn out to be like this baby ;

so cute right? yeah, that's what I wanted. I'll teach my baby to become a better person. If my baby's a boy, I would teach him to be a gentleman. To never break a woman's heart. And if my baby's a girl, I'll teach her to be and admirable woman. No need to show her skin to get attention but to show her humble and attractive personality.
I can dream, can't I? ;p
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