hyeeee uolls ;) Eh, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin. Sorry lah kalau aku buat salah kt korang. k,dah habis disitu. Harinh dah raya ke2, kan? yelah kot. harinh dah masuk 4hari, kot aku duduk kt kampung dkt pahang nh. 1st raya was the best. Karok dgn cousins, tgk Man Utd vs Arsenal match dkt mamak, lpk teluk chempedak. everything runs well when you have all your cousins around you. HAPPENING! laughing, gossiping. hehe. I'm so gonna miss this year's Raya. because 1: Uncle or so-called-uncle Samuel isnt here to disturb my family again, 2: me and my cousins get to bond even tighter :) even tho aku takde boyfriend nk omey2 di bulan yang mulia dan lagi indah ini, but i have my family :') the best thing ever that no one can offer. Selamat hari raya again guys and have a great one.
So here's the thing :
You know, I get really annoyed with Malay girls these days. You know why? Here's why :
- So I was at Sunway Pyramid with my family for a little shopping. Then I saw this girl. She was wearing a really, REALLY short skirt. Babe, if you happen to have the most drop dead gorgeous legs, I don't mind but seriously, you need to hide those legs honey. Don't show off your ' perfect ' legs to the public especially now its Fasting Month. BULAN PUASA ! Respect lah orang lain bodo. Perempuan apelah kau nh. Pastuh taknak cakap lah make up pulak tebal mane. Kalau letak die sebelah Ronald McDonald, dah nampak mcm sibling taw tak? ishh, pity you. Aku sebagai kaum perempuan malu kot kau keluar mcm tuh. Pastuh dok tergedik2 dgn jantan. Adoi. Memalukan gileww!
- So I was at Sunway Pyramid with my family for a little shopping. Then I saw this girl. She was wearing a really, REALLY short skirt. Babe, if you happen to have the most drop dead gorgeous legs, I don't mind but seriously, you need to hide those legs honey. Don't show off your ' perfect ' legs to the public especially now its Fasting Month. BULAN PUASA ! Respect lah orang lain bodo. Perempuan apelah kau nh. Pastuh taknak cakap lah make up pulak tebal mane. Kalau letak die sebelah Ronald McDonald, dah nampak mcm sibling taw tak? ishh, pity you. Aku sebagai kaum perempuan malu kot kau keluar mcm tuh. Pastuh dok tergedik2 dgn jantan. Adoi. Memalukan gileww!
If you stay.
I hope he reads my everyday blog because I've been updating about him most of the time. I have to say this again and again, I miss him so much. Boy, I miss you, I miss you, I fucking miss you! Would you please, please tell me if you feel the same way too. Please, talk to me. I hate this solitude silence between us. I miss those " hai cik natasha azlan...", "hyeeee sayangggg....". haishh. I keep hearing it inside my ears, imagining it to happen again. How I love to hear that voice of yours. Especially the time you sang 'Beautiful Monster'. God! You were so good I could just eat you alive! and I miss the time when you surprisingly came to my house, pick me up and take me out. I liked it when people keep telling me, telling you " aww co cweet.." because humorously but seriously say that we both have the same rabbit teeth ==' sweet ape :/ I can't stop thinking about you. I woke up every morning, the first thing in mind was you. Before I go to bed, you were the last thing I thought about. Remembering our stories made me feel better. Remembering the
Imma frigid little bitch.
i can honestly say, he's been on my mind since I woke up today. I look at our photographs all the time. Memories just keep coming back. I start to think about the little things, I'll remember till I cry. Then I decided to take my chances to tell him how I feel about this, and this is what I said :
" I'm sorry that I have to be honest to you tonight. I don't wanna wait a thousand years to be this honest to you. I m

so that's basically what I said to him. I felt much better to just let it all out. I miss him so much :'( I miss those hugs and kisses we share. I miss everything we had. The only prayer I keep is for us to be together again. Why does it has to this hard to move on?! I tried and tried but I can't! I need him. He's all I have :'( I don't want anyone else but him :'(
I Miss You, Ridzuan Azmi. I Love You :'(
We'll Be A Dream.
hye night owls. it's amazing that I'm still awake at 3 o'clock and not giving a shit about waking up early tomorrow when I know that my class starts at 8. it happens all the time. so yeah, its almost 3. friends been asking me why am I still awake. I said " Ado den kesah? " then they would say " -.-' '' sorry guys. i really have no clue. Just now all of a sudden I have this 'rajin' spirit. I'm doing my assignments, decorating my notes. cop, I feel sleepy already. can I skip this? kbye
Why me : Why not you?
it gets even emotional when you're sitting all alone and then you're pushing yourself to think about the past. I know it's difficult to put a side these kinda things. So what if I'm a little frigid? People may see me as a girl that can hold a tornado. I smile, I laugh after breaking up with my ex. Duh, does anyone knows what's happening inside me? Does anyone understand what am I going thru? I guess not. I'm fragile you fuck ups. I might have the tendency to fall apart so badly when dealing with this shit. So I was wondering why me? Why should I be the one that has to cry and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda and why not you? For once, I would love to know that there's someone out there who would cry and blah blah blah thinking of me. To be precise : thinking about how we used to be. Sweet and lovable. I see myself as loyal person. I stick to that one person I really love because somehow I have the strongest faith in love, even tho on the other hand may not take this seriously. Sometimes, I want to know how it feels to cheat. Having a boyfriend and then at the same time going out with other guys and don't give a fuck what will my boyfriend thinks and say. I want to learn how to be heartless but I'M A HUMAN YOW! Humans have hearts! How can they be heartless? Some can be that way, but like I could. pfftt. See. How tough can I be when I have so much of the sweet side in me. LOL! I mean, seriously say, I can't do that even when I want to. Come to think of it, I have really high believes in Karma. What comes around comes around? Yeah, that one. I don't tend to hurt people. Even when I do, I ask for their forgiveness. Either they want to forgive me or not, who the hell cares. I commit my guilt to them so what to expect. Cut the story short ; I hope one day, just one day, a guy shows up in my life and this time, it ain't a joke. It won't be something I would only smile for a few days or weeks or months. Someone that could bare with my shitty attitude still giving me advice to change. Someone who would appreciate me for being there for him, to love and care for him. To cherish every moment. To wipe all my tears and sorrow and to tell me that the past is just memories for me to laugh about and always remind me that the future would be brighter with his existence. * I didn't really cut it short right? HAHA whatever. That's all. My heart is now written here. So in case you don't have any idea how my heart is doing right now, this is quite enough right? Thanks for reading :')
We'll be doing alright.
hyeeeeeeee bloggers and readers and stalkers ;) i miss blogging. hehe. currently, me and my housemates are watching Flat 3A. me? sibuk online and blogging. hehe. i dont know why but i feel energetic today even when i heard that today's class should be in the morning not in the afternoon. punyelah aku siap awal gila, naik bas awal gila, sampai college jumpe classmate pakai baju biasa, katanya nk pulang. aishh. but i dont want it to bother me so i keep my chin high and start my mood up. i started laughing, dancing with kina. and i dont feel down anymore. i even cooked today! hahahah. unbelievable? you better believe it :) i cooked my dad's chicken curry. aummm ^^ thank God my housemates liked it. hehe. so tomorrow got no class. cuti lah katakan. duduk jelah rumah, tido sampai tak bontot berakar. yayy! haha. hmm, itu jelah kot nk cerita for today. nothing much kan? because my days has been an average day. kan? well, i guess that's all. bye ;)
Saturday's agenda.
Morning-afternoon : okay, the first thing I did was going to Shah Alam for some assignments. Kina and Mai were there too. after all had been settled, I was thinking of seeing him and after some calls that he didn't picked up, his sister answered his phone. she said he was sick. so I decided to stop by to see if he's okay. and I did :) it was a short visit. I had to go out with my family. for SHOPPING!
Afternoon-evening : so there we were at Plaza Alam Central. the place was packed! the crowd was stinky! haha. as always, my eyes caught many things. I saw pwetty shoes, pwetty clothes, everything PWETTY! :'( and Alhamdulillah I got myself one baju kurung and it looks so friggin pretty i can't wait to put em on. all that's left now is my raya shoes and handbag. teehee ;) and there's this one thing me and my brother did I seriously wont forget. we parked our car at the mall then we walked by feet to SACC. tataw lah pulak time tuh nk hujan. tibe2 ha amek lebat nak mampuih! so by sudden dad told me to get to the car and drive it to SACC and pick them up. so aku dan hakim berjalan lah dalam hujan lebat berbumbungkan payung yang kecik dan comel. habis baju lenjun, seluar lenjun, rambut lenjun, beg lenjun, ape pon tak pat. dgn penuh gagah aku dgn adik aku jalan dalam hujan gelak2. it was fun for a second thought :) dalam bulan puasa, this is the most daring day. jalan dalam hujan, lalu sebelah bazar bau sedap2. honestly Allah tested our patience today and Alhamdulillah we did it :)
so i guess that would be it. cherios :)
A Little Bit Lost.
oh gosh, whats wrong with you Tasha? Duhh how should I know! I've been waking up late these few days, I don't wake up for sahur thats for sure, I always miss the bus to college, I go to class looking so fucked up horrible, I took a really long sleep sampai lupa dunia. fuck! and right now, i felt neglected :'( thats the worst part of it. Kina is no longer near me to share stories with, to laugh with, to smoke with. currently I can say I have no close friends, no boyfriends or whatever to keep me company. I'm really relying on Ridzuan Azmi to text me whenever I feel lonely and feeling of a need to talk to someone. But its not like he's around all the time. I feel like crying right now :'( seriously say, i'm already at my weakest point. breaking down down and down. usually this is the moment when all you really need is a hug. Nak hug :'( my heart tibe2 pounding like what the hell kau nh jantung? shishh. honestly I don't understand what am i facing right now. Is this like when I was in Form 2? The phase where I started to lose my grip in life and break down but still stood strong in silence and all of a sudden a person shows up with an intention of accompanying me but in the end happens to be a backstabbing douche? and then I wouldn't careless about what happen and then true friends started to pop up out of nowhere? That's how I go thru during Form 2. quite harsh aint it? I realized that I'm no longer the same person. I've changed a little. I have no idea which part but I can feel it. hmm :( i know it's hard Tasha. But you're so strong. You've gone thru a lot, still you never fall apart. Keep it strong Tasha. Onward and upward. *asyik ckp sorang2 jea aku nh =='
Talking To The Moon.
Goodbye? Not yet.
so here I go again. starting my late night sobering mood. I mean, why should I feel this way man? get a grip Tasha! why is it so hard for me to let go? the more I tried to let go, the more I get too attached to him. like just now before berbuka, he came to my house. he wanted to open fasting at my house but he had three friends with him so I'm a little bit shy, okay? dgn rumah bersepahnye. atoi. yknow, even tho he treated me like I'm his 'membe2', still I can't get away from that feeling that he is still my boyfriend. cacat kan aku? tak reti2 nak let go. so just now, aku baru habis lepak dgn mbe baru. people called him Ayoi. I think thats how it spelled. main guitar depan rumah, sap kok, borak2 and all of a sudden, cop cop, time tuh aku tgh online pesbuk pastuh aku bukak page Ridzuan Azmi then Ayoi tye, " ehh aku mcm knl jea tuh. mbe2 aku gak tuh". and I went " sewious???" alahai, knl rupanyeww. macikau. then borak2, main guitar buat bising di kejiranan. haha. orang pegi terawih aku buat 'terawih' depan rumah. elok sgt lah tuh. hesh. skrg baru settle assignment yg cukup memberangsangkan, Mathematics ==' baru buat sikit dah tepu otak. tasha tasha. haiseymen... and here's some bad news :
Kina is about to leave me alone :'( this Sunday she'll be going inside, hostel ! sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh
so after this, aku duduk lah dgn jiran tetangga aku. alone, takde geng nk gossip2, main guitar, sap kok tgk cerita Fasha Senduk ptg2. babi ahh. menciwk dowh camniew! :'( ape2 pun, i'll try to have some fun out here. alahh biaselah, starting to get used to living on my own. :) onward and upward tasha. onward and upward I say :)
Fasting Month eady?
yeahhh. and its pretty upsetting that this year i didnt get to sahur and berbuka with my family on the first day of fasting. mom text me just now asking me what i eat for berbuka. i miss mom's cooking during fasting. sorry lah ma kali nh tak dpt buka sahur same. tgulah angah balik k? and i cant wait for raya! halamakkkkkkk. excited lebih. hehe. and and, congrats tasha, this is your 5th year celebrating Ramadhan without a boyfriend. :') hopefully this year Ramadhan will bring more memorable story for me. Onward and upward tasha. Onward and upward I say :)
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