it was so funny I don't know how to laugh.
and so it was 3:15 p.m something.
me and kina were sleeping because after 12 there's no more class.
when we were enjoying our sleeping momentary ; I heard a very loud and all-out scream from downstairs.
last night, a girl got hysteria. *scary
and today, I don't know what happen but she yelled so loud I got up.
I went straight to Kina's bed and wake her up.
" Kina kina, bangun. Budak kene histeria tuh... "
and we both got up and walk out the door to see what happened.
okay, here comes the stupid part.
we were standing outside asking people " weyh ape jadi doh ape jadi?? "
and talk some more and talk some more,
and then came a strong wind that blows our door shut.
( sebelum nh pintu ktorg mmg rosak. kalau nak masuk kene pakai kunci and kunci dr dalam tuh dah tenggelam ).
realizing that our door slammed,
then we sat down outside the hallway thinking how to get in.
( kalau nak tgu si Jah dgn Dhilah balik, terpaksa tgu sampai dorg habis class ; 4:30 ptg ) =='
so we asked our neighbour in case they know how to open the door.
and luckily Kak Nora and Kak Nurul knows how :)
they told us to used a hard-really hard card and slit the card through the door lock.
me and kina were like robbers! hahaha
and then we did it :)
still, I want to fix the key that sank into the knob.
so kina took something sharp and ' godek2 ' the door.
all of a sudden the door was back to normal. YAYYYY! haha
so that's basically what happened today.
and plus, today is Ridzuan Azmi's birthday. hehe
we had late and long night calls, I met him just now and gave his present.
hopefully he likes it :/
hmm well I guess that's all. ciao :)

it was so funny I don't know how to laugh.
and so it was 3:15 p.m something.
me and kina were sleeping because after 12 there's no more class.
when we were enjoying our sleeping momentary ; I heard a very loud and all-out scream from downstairs.
last night, a girl got hysteria. *scary
and today, I don't know what happen but she yelled so loud I got up.
I went straight to Kina's bed and wake her up.
" Kina kina, bangun. Budak kene histeria tuh... "
and we both got up and walk out the door to see what happened.
okay, here comes the stupid part.
we were standing outside asking people " weyh ape jadi doh ape jadi?? "
and talk some more and talk some more,
and then came a strong wind that blows our door shut.
( sebelum nh pintu ktorg mmg rosak. kalau nak masuk kene pakai kunci and kunci dr dalam tuh dah tenggelam ).
realizing that our door slammed,
then we sat down outside the hallway thinking how to get in.
( kalau nak tgu si Jah dgn Dhilah balik, terpaksa tgu sampai dorg habis class ; 4:30 ptg ) =='
so we asked our neighbour in case they know how to open the door.
and luckily Kak Nora and Kak Nurul knows how :)
they told us to used a hard-really hard card and slit the card through the door lock.
me and kina were like robbers! hahaha
and then we did it :)
still, I want to fix the key that sank into the knob.
so kina took something sharp and ' godek2 ' the door.
all of a sudden the door was back to normal. YAYYYY! haha
so that's basically what happened today.
and plus, today is Ridzuan Azmi's birthday. hehe
we had late and long night calls, I met him just now and gave his present.
hopefully he likes it :/
hmm well I guess that's all. ciao :)

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