
Too good to be true.

Nowadays, I know we'll make friends through the internet. Social chatting website ==' The closest and the most simplest example? Facebook. Haha. Okay, bukan nk bukak cerita lama but teringin nk cerita. So, I known this ' minah otak tak betul agaknye ' . Her name is.... nak sebut kea? Nak kea nak kea? Sebut lah eh? Okay. Name die pika muhammad. Cerita die mcm nh lah. I've known this minah since like for so long. Kenal dekat? Yes, Facebook. ==' memang perosak bnde nh. When we were friends, die mmg caring tahap cipan tenuk gaban segala lah. Kalau aku ade masalah dgn lelaki, I would tell her, share with her and she would calm me down. How sweet, kan? ==' So during November kea October, I'm with this guy ( name tak nak sebut sbb tak perlu ). Mase tarikh cantik nh [ 11.11.2010 ], we broke up. Then I bgtaw lah dkt minah nh sbb nk kongsi2 cerita. Tak salah kan? And then, punyelah die maki hamun si mamat nh sbb break dgn aku padahal aku mcm " hmm, what to do lah kannnn... " After a few weeks tak online sbb aku dah menetap dkt tempat belajar, wifi takde, laptop takde, teringin lah rase nk online kejap Facebook nh sbb nk borak dgn kawan2. Then, nak post something dkt wall minah tuh. Haa, dengan expression muka terkejut berok masa aku bukak wall die, TERnampak lah status mengenai mamat yang break sekian sekian dengan aku tuh TAPI ade symbol ( heart ). Heyy, ape nh ? Dah maki2 tapi alih2 kau pulak yang tergedek2 kt die? Halamak. Terus aku dengan perasaan benci lagi marah menghantar text message kat die. Macam nh terus aku hantar " Kau ade ape2 nk bgtaw aku kea?" Haaa liddat you know. Then ecehh, pura2 tataw kunun. Tokse lerr nk sorok2 dgn aku. Kalau ye pon nk bercintun cinten dgn ex aku, coverline biar cantik lah. Bukan sbb aku sayang kt ex aku lagi, sebab KAU MEMBER AKU. ehemm, skrg BEKAS okay? BEKAS. Boleh eja? B-E-K-A-S. Haa pandai. So after aku text die, die berkunun lah ckp nk delete everything pasal mamat berkenaan dan meminta lah maaf kepadaku. Then, ape kau igt aku nk forgive kau mcm tuh jea? Lagi2 yang paling terbaik skali, KAU DELETE AKU DARI FACEBOOK. Pehh, kau mmg number 1. Lepastuh I decided to post a status about her maybe any of her friends in my friendlist would love to pass it to her, mane tahu kan? :') And what I remember, this is what I posted " I don't trust Facebook friends. Macam pantat. Ooppss " haha tak cool kan? I know. Then, cepat lah teka siapa yang like that status? Haaa... Lu ape? Lu pikiaq lah sorang2. All of a sudden aku jadi tak paham. Ishh ape nh? Apehal minah nk buat mcm nh kt aku then mamat nh like pulak? Adakah mereka?? Ohh, tak mungkin. :|

So, the moral of the story is.. Nak berkawan, sangat boleh. BOLEH SANGAT! Allah tak larang umat2nye untuk berkawan. Tapi setakat nak kawan sebab nk kutip (&^^%$#@ haa paham kan? takpayah lah. Sumpah you dickheads are wasting mine and other people's time. Semua manusia, I believe, malas nak bergaduh, malas nak maki hamun caci cela kutuk kutik nganjing membabi orang2 mcm nh.

So, to Pika Muhammad, I don't know what in the hell is wrong with you. Muka lawa tp perangai sangat hancing. I misjudged you because I thought you were nice. And in case you're reading this, I don't give a damn what you're about to say. I've made my words. I spit this shit just for you and you can't blame this on me." You jumped into a puddle of pig shit and you still have to take a shower yourself ". Don't tell me I'm wrong. Don't assume me being bitchy. Oh, you can. Because, whatever sorta shit you wanna say about me, things will never be the way it used to. Still, knowing you is my biggest mistake.

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