I guess it has been ages since I last updated my blog. I think my last post was 2013 or something. Man its 2018 now! Hahaha. So, what happened during those years I haven't blog?
1. I graduated for my Diploma in 2013.
2. I furthered my studies that same year in Hospitality and Tourism Management at MSU Shah Alam.
3. I've made a bunch of friends. Some are no longer friends. Met a few guys (potential boyfriend) but that didn't turned out good as well because guys there were assholes.
4. Finished my Bachelor's Degree in 2017.
5. Unemployed for more than a year now.
6. But currently I'm on training to become a part time lecturer.
So that's pretty much sums up 4 years of 'what happened while I wasn't blogging anymore' story. What about all of these exes included in my previous blogs?
1. Fairuz Shahyimi? I think he's still lingering around single or i'm not sure if he's single or not.
2. Ridzuan Azmi? He gain a whole lot of weight. He's married to someone I don't know.
3. Fendi Shah (not an ex but he was in my previous blog)? Well he got married to that Ika girl. Thats all I know. Not interested about them anymore.
4. Nazri Nasran? I hope he's dead. I don't know anything on his whereabouts anymore. Don't wanna know. At all.
Well, for 2018, I'm about to have a job anytime soon. I'm planning on travelling the world. I'm still single btw. It's been 7years now. Doing good so far. I just hope that in the future I'll be able to focus more on myself.
Looking back at all the things I used to blog about made me miss all the good and bad times I had. Now is just neutral. I don't feel good and bad at the same time. Actually I don't feel anything. There isn't anything special going on. Hoping next year will be the biggest plot twist for me.
I guess that's pretty much it for now. I don't think I will update my blog often. There's nothing much for me to blog about. Haha. Okay. Bye!