I'm happy because of you Mama!
So I see maybe things won't go well. I don't know. But then you were so nice but I don't think I should trust 'nice' no longer. Its killing my brain just thinking about this. Sometimes, I'm at the verge of giving up. I just feel like, " Hey, why wait? Its not like things will go back to the way it were " and I keep asking myself, " Is this what I should call MOVING ON? ". Hmm what's the use. Clearly he doesnt need any girl. So, like what the hell am I wasting my time waiting? You see. I can't even answer my own question! *sighh
I just can't keep waiting. All thats been running inside my head is " give up give up! " like hey, whattha. I know his intentions and obviously I've taken it the wrong impression. Maybe ? I'm sorry. It's just so hard for me to take it
I just can't keep waiting. All thats been running inside my head is " give up give up! " like hey, whattha. I know his intentions and obviously I've taken it the wrong impression. Maybe ? I'm sorry. It's just so hard for me to take it
Another soul that remains mine.
So you know my Baby Juno right? yeah that's her right there. All growned up :] I'm so proud that you've grown so big and healthy. You're the only cat I think I can never replace because I love the way when I took you to my bed you would play with my hair, sit on my stomach, lay next to me after I fell asleep. I love the way you ran so quick after I called your name to feed you and you would run so fast then stop right infront of me and stare me with those tigery eyes. I love you okay Juno? I would have to leave guy's issues just because of you. I don't have to cry anymore because I'll always have you to cheer me up. We'll stay together as long as we can.
Esok dah boleh puasa balik!
Yayyy! Finally after 7days my 'partner' has been visiting me and today she's gone! Bye stupid 'partner'. Aku boleh puasa dengan aman! Fuhh! And the last few weeks, we went for raya shopping again. Teehee I got my favourite outfit! Thanks mama. Susah angah pusing satu mall carik. Heh. So Sabtu harituh, aku still tak dpt jmpe Eqa. Aku lah nh keluar lame sgt. Nak singgah sini lah sini lah. Errr geram gila babi aku! Takpee. Kau cuti panjang nty kite jmpe kayy? I promise :) And R, thanks for brightening up my day :) Everytime I got a text from you, I would have this long and wide smile even my sister call me crazy. haha. I appreciate the tiny things you do to keep me cheered up. :]
It's easy. I've done it hundred of times
I know I know. I said to myself that I'm stopping. But seriously, I can't. I can't stop but I can decrease it. Sorry, you :( Something you just can't put away you know. There's a reason this happens to me. I did this because its the only way I don't have to feel the pain humans gave me just by hurting myself and it feels better that way . And for you to know, the only cure to my addiction is you. Yeahh . Because whenever I'm with you, I get more addicted to you. Like freakin. I've ran out of ideas how to get you back. I wrote you a song, I always try to stay in contact with you, I always try to get your attention, I write you a poem, I liked everything you like, I do the things you like me to be, I memorized the lyrics of you're favourite songs. And I guess, I don't have a chance. But, I will always be here for you, just so that I could show you my little effort for you. I listen to you when you've things that bothers you. I tried to cheer you up when you're down. I sang along when you started singing. And I think that's quite enough. I don't want you to go like this after reading this, like "ohh and she thinks I want her back and she's trying to put us back together ", well, I'm not. I just want you to see, that this has been the worst break up so far because I've been single for 6months and you know why? Because it's hard to replace someone like you. T.T
Plus, I don't feel so good. I feel like I should kill someone. There's Disaster Date
on tv. Borinnggggggg! Oh my God! This is torturing!
You know what, okay bye. I'm going to eat something -.-Ooh La!
p/s : Don't try to steal this picture. It's genuinely mine :]

This is Valerie Poxleitner. Rahman post a video song of her singing a song called "Fall Back Down by Rancid " the acoustic version. Trust me, once you heard her sing, you fall back down! LOL. I think currently she's a famous singer. I don't know why, but I superrrrrrrrr love this awesome chick. " If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again, If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend. " :]

So, today, I'm not fasting because my 'Partner' came this morning. -.- It's just today I don't feel like doing anything much. I'm always thinking. Thinking about things I shouldn't. Like " Am I doing the right thing? Is that person even true? Is he telling me what he really feels? URGH! You know what, come sing with me again. Hit it!
"If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again. If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend.... "
Baru 6hari puasa tp mcm dah tak larat. Tapi tapi! saya masih kuat :) Hmm so, lame jugak tak bukak FB. Tp tah pape. Bukak2 notifications 99. sume penoh dgn comment on a photo of you. -.- Friend request sampai 39 tp tak sume aku approve.
So yesterday, me kakcik iman mama and ayah went out for raya shopping. I got 2 new jeans. Just jeans -.- baju kurung, not yet. We only went to Sogo KL. Then we went berbuka at Mohd Chan Abdullah Cina Muslim Restaurant. Man! I ordered nasi goreng seafood and a fresh orange to burst my thirst. Alhamdulillah it was the best food to buka puasa. ahhhh :) I guess thats it
So yesterday, me kakcik iman mama and ayah went out for raya shopping. I got 2 new jeans. Just jeans -.- baju kurung, not yet. We only went to Sogo KL. Then we went berbuka at Mohd Chan Abdullah Cina Muslim Restaurant. Man! I ordered nasi goreng seafood and a fresh orange to burst my thirst. Alhamdulillah it was the best food to buka puasa. ahhhh :) I guess thats it
Happy Fasting :)
Yayy! So it's fasting month. 30days of fasting, hmm I think I can handle that. Plus I wanna lose some of these fats in my stomach. I'll look FAB this raya :) And due to fasting, I have THOUSANDS of cravings.
Urgg! I miss mama's caramel pudding. Nanti mama buat kan eh for buka? :)
Ohh! And I miss kuih cara. It's a must for every fasting month. yummyyy
Ohh! And I miss kuih cara. It's a must for every fasting month. yummyyy
So guys, enjoy the month with patience and happiness. I can't wait for RAYA! hehe
What do u like to be called? natasha :)
ADMIT a secret about this name? there's no secret
Do you have a job/ career? nopp
ADMIT a secret about your career: my career has no secret bodoh
Do you love yourself? yes I do :)
ADMIT a physical attribute you LOVE and HATE about youself: I love my hair everything about me.
Do u have any regrets? yes
ADMIT one thing you regret doing in the past: Too many :D
Are u in love? no :\
ADMIT what brought on these thought: i dont know
Do u feel any jealousy or envy toward anyone? yessss
ADMIT what makes you feel this way? because that person is prettier and rich
Do you ever feel less than beautiful? yess, most of the time
ADMIT why you feel this way? because i have flaws
Have you ever been hurt? so many times
ADMIT who hurt u: Boys
Ever pretended to be someone's friend for your own benefit? Nop
ADMIT the truth about why you did it: Because I dont feel like I should
Ever lied to spare someone's feelings? nop
ADMIT the truth about the lie you told: I dont 's'
Ever suffered from a broken heart? bodoh punye question
ADMIT who broke your heart and what he/she did: Boys, they hate me
Ever cheated on someone? i dont cheat
ADMIT the truth on why you cheated: i dont cheat kan
Ever told anyone you loved them and didn't mean it? nopp
ADMIT the truth about why you lied? to save myself :D
Ever been in jail? nevahh
ADMIT the truth on why you were locked up: -
Ever steal music? once, twice, idk
ADMIT what website you steal music from: actually, i stole my aunt's cd
Do you click ads when on a website? nopp
ADMIT what types of ad's you click on: -
Do you watch reality tv? yes!
ADMIT the most embarassing shows you watch: something 18sx
Are you happy in your career? yes
ADMIT what you know you should be doing with your life: Being a person that appreciates life
Holiday baby!
Woww. PD and Kuantan was wicked! First I went to PD with Natasha Razak's family. Her mother had her family day there. And we stayed at Selesa Hotel Resort something like that, and we took a few, I mean, a lot of pictures.
This is me and Tacha at the beach. We didn't dip in, we just walk by thats all :D
And this is during the dinner. Man, the food was FINGER LICKIN GOOD :D
This is Auntie Zaiton, Tacha's mother :) Thanks Auntie for retouching my eyes :D

And finally, the last day there. They headed back home while I went for another vacation in Cherating, Kuantan. Haha
But I dont have the pictures in Kuantan. We forgot the camera, but all I know I had fun eventhough I suffer a little pain in the back, my arms and legs, err, but it's fun :) I went to the beach, and DIPPED in :D went swimming at the pool, blah3, it's fun. So I guess thats all :)
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