Okay, im not that depressed. At all. Maybe its an early warning for me not to have this not-known-really-well guy. He's been giving me false hopes after I'd realize that he didnt really put his attention on me that much. Nahh but I dont care, really. Whatever him. I can still live my life. Well this is what he always said to me " do you wanna fall in love again? " Well the correct answer to that question is : Of course I would love to fall in love again, but NOT WITH A GUY LIKE YOU. Thank you.Lots Of Love,Tasha :)
I don't know how to start... So everything didnt really turn out so well. What to expect from me. Im nothing. Really. I've got nothing special.
So, aku dapat Unisel Shah Alam in Masscomm. And I accepted it. I wont want to wait for rayuan sbb result keluar bulan7. Malas aku nk tgu lama2. Plus dpt kt shah alam pon okay jugak. Tiba-tiba jadi malas nk pegi jauh2. Tp benci lah tak dapat amek driving license lagi. :'[ And ohh, harinh sumpah bosan nak mati, and I think I'm sort-of pissed off. I hate it when I'm already forgetting someone and trying to look for someone new and then the someone new starts giving false hopes and in the end, I end up feeling like a total JACKASS! Maybe I was always right about never give another second chance. Maybe second chance dont deserve another second chance. Babi lah! Pahal aku nk touching panas panas nh?! Siak. But now, g mampos lah all of those. Jangan lah nk membutoh carik aku. Im not fucking IMPORTANT to you and so to any of you out there. Pegi MATI!
Yeahh, I'm flying on my own. Senang cakap, akhirnya aku rasa , rasa, aaaaaa rasa malas nk Love Love dah. Tataw kenapa. Kenal jea lah lelaki mane pon handsome mane pon, feeling dah lari lah bhai. Dah taknak dah lekat-lekat. Jangan kata kau jea pelik, aku lagi pelik. Dah lah. Penat lah nk ada someone special. Penat jaga hati orang sedangkan orang tak reti jaga hati aku. Im tired of second chances. Berlari ke hutan, kemudian ke pantai, all by myself. :']Cheeriosss *
To Puan Roslinda Abdul Ghani, I love you for you have been one heck of a great mom! So yeah maybe angah mmg annoying, stubborn and yadda yadda tp its all part of life. Everyone must go through life progression. Whenever I'm getting older I'll get more mature. For sure! hehhe
So semalam pegi KL cari present mama. Jalan2 dengan kakcik, abang aku and syafiq a.k.a syafiqah minat handbag. aww gitu. haha. Mula2 jalan KL then ktorg pergi Sunway sbb mama dgn selambanye pegi tanpa memberitahu aku yg die nk g Sunway. Pandai mama skg ehh... Lepastuh balik rumah. Balik2 teros siapkan hadiah mama tuh. Lukis2 lah apelah. Ponat okay? Then luckily si Darell call utk berborak2 :) Thanks lah you rajin call I. :) smiley lagi. heheh. Then tido.....
Hold up hold up, time nk tido lena lah ade bnde yg buat aku tak tido. Tapi kali nh, I've slept with a smile on my face. He texted! Damn. suka aku. haha. Borak2 kejap lepastuh dua2 dah tido kot. Aku pon sumpah tak larat nk baca text mlm2. Macam tulisan hindu pon ade. -.-'' hehe but, I suka lah you text. And and die kate " Tp kt fon i u still scarlett j..hehe" aww aku sepanjang malam. haha. So sweet okay ? :)
Mane ade pape. Okay jea. Cuma tak larat tengok orang asyik post status dkt facebook " I'm feeling down today", " I miss you, please come back", " MU tak kan dpt pegang piala cups ". Thanks sebab you all buat my day sangat fucking ceria. Seriously! Err. Kalau lah aku dah dapat lesen kereta, sumpah sekarang aku takde mase nk layan facebook. Aku dah sibuk keluar dgn friends. Damn you all yang ada kereta are so lucky! Eeeeee harap2 lah aku dapat sambung belajar nh. Tak suka lah duduk rumah jea. Pagi2 bangun buat chores, siang2 facebook, err, malam2 facebook lepas tuh gila tak pasal. Weyh, nak lah life jugak.. D;